Rehearsal for Amadeus Awards at Volkstheater Vienna
With her debut, the emotional ballad “Wia a Kind“ (Like A Child), Ina Regen took the Austrian charts by storm. During the shooting for her next video she received the amazing news of her nomination for the most important music award of the country, Amadeus Austrian Music Awards, in the category song of the year.
On April 26th 2018, the key players in the music business gathered for the award ceremony at Vienna Volkstheater. The gala event was broadcasted by ORF with more than a million fans crossing their fingers.
Although close, she missed the first price, but Ina Regen was the winner of the evening anyway: Her live performance on our grand FEURICH 218 – Concert I caused goosebumps and was rewarded with standing ovations.
Congratulations, Ina. We know that this is just the beginning of an amazing career!