Graziana Presicce (Italy)

Italian pianist Graziana Presicce finds the FEURICH 218 to be a joy for the ear and the touch – a beautifully nuanced sound and a particularly comfortable mechanism.

Rubber Tea

Rubber Tea – progressive rock band from Bremen, Germany – recorded their latest album “Infusion” using a FEURICH 218.

Ben Toury (France)

French blues pianist Ben Toury found FEURICH pianos to be high quality instruments with versatile sound ideal for perfecting your music style.

Galdson (Spain)

“The FEURICH 218 has marked a revolution in my musical creations. The sonic nuances, the harmonic richness, and its dynamic range guide me and help considerably when composing.”

Haley Reinhart

Haley Reinhart

预告: AN IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT- 一部以Haley Reinhart,Sascha Peres和他的管弦乐队以及弗尔里希218为主角的全模拟纪录片

Anna Serret Almenara Piano

Anna Serret Almenara (Spain)

“It has the sound of the past and the future both at the same time, in the present”, says classical Pianist Anna Serret Almenara about the FEURICH 218 – Concert I with Pédal Harmonique.

Sebastian Voltmer

Filmmaker and composer Sebastian Voltmer wrote most of the music for his new movie JOMI using his white and chrome FEURICH 115 – Premiere.

cvmusic film/ton

Christian Vaida:“我当场就购买了弗尔里希三角琴218 – 演奏会I型……直到今天,它的声音仍然是我听到过的三角琴里最美妙的。”