Аня Плашг
Знаменитый музыкант и продюсер Аня Плашг, известная во всем мире как Soap&Skin
Британский концертирующий пианист Джулиан Якобсон наслаждался игрой на рояле FEURICH 218 Concert I в Howden Minster.
Выдающийся пианист Любомир Мельник дал концерт в Скопье, Македония, на инструменте FEURICH 218.
«It has the sound of the past and the future both at the same time, in the present», says classical Pianist Anna Serret Almenara about the FEURICH 218 – Concert I with Pédal Harmonique.
The Tabasalu Muusika — ja Kunstikool, a Music School located in Harjumaa, Estonia, received a new FEURICH 179 grand piano.
Piano teacher Ilija Nastovski from Veles, Macedonia is happy to have two FEURICH 218 grands singing in their local music school.
Studio Buller is a professional recording studio in Stockholm, Sweden. In summer 2021, they received their FEURICH 133.
Kanako Mizuno, multi-award-winning pianist, enjoyed playing on the FEURICH 218 Concert I grand piano in Howden Minster to lift our lockdown spirits.
Pianist Amy Butler finds the FEURICH 218 to be ideal for both solo repertoire and chamber music with its wonderfully rich and resonant bass and beautiful bell-like treble.
Italian pianist Graziana Presicce finds the FEURICH 218 to be a joy for the ear and the touch — a beautifully nuanced sound and a particularly comfortable mechanism.